This series, based on the seminar Revelation 101: Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation, covers the same material for small groups. This set of seven sessions is the first of seven sets of seven sessions. These engage small groups in study, dialogue, interaction, and the application of Revelation to life because they focus on finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 101: Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation
DVD Set of 10 Sessions
by Steve Case
Here’s a fresh look at the Book of Revelation—with a focus on Jesus. Use this for:
• Your personal awakening to find Jesus in Revelation
• A group in a home setting
• Have your church host it for the community
Videotaped at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2016, each of the 10 sessions runs for about 90 minutes. A companion Participant’s Guide is included and more copies are available for those who like to take notes and dig deeper while they watch these presentations. Be amazed by this revelation of Jesus Christ.
Is it possible to find Jesus in the Book of Revelation? While the opening line states that as its purpose, countless people over the centuries have focused on anything and everything except for Jesus. Take time to re-focus and you will see clear and overpowering disclosures of Jesus Christ. Instead of starting with sensational headlines from today’s news, start with what God already revealed in the past. Consider the historical and also the literary context. Pray for God’s guidance as he reveals the Christ of the book. Worship and adore the Lamb as well as the King.
The first two chapters in this book explain a new way of reading the Book of Revelation, but it’s actually as old as John’s original writing. The remaining chapters take each of the seven sections of Revelation, presenting a basic commentary for personal study. The content of the much longer Revelation 101:Presenter’s Manual has been reduced to just 180 pages in this basic commentary on Revelation. Read it on your own, share it in a group, pass it along, and put yourself in the picture with the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 101: Finding JESUS in the Book of Revelation
Steve Case & Daniel Wysong
A 134-page workbook, spiral bound, to be used by participants in a Revelation 101 seminar or small group Bible study. The workbook includes pages with key matarials for each session, plus space to write notes.